Dónal Rice

Senior advisor on ICT design and policy NDA

ICT design and policy NDA

Dónal Rice is the senior advisor on ICT design and policy for the Centre of Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority, Ireland. He current role is Head of Monitoring Unit, EU Web Accessibility Directive. Dónal teaches part-time on disability, accessibility and human rights policy and law with the Centre for Disability Law and Policy, at the National University of Ireland and with the Institute of Public Administration. He returned to NDA in early 2018 following a secondment with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, and was a member of the Board of NDA until August 2018. He has assisted with international policy and standards development and education projects with the European Standards Bodies, the European Commission, and UN agencies such as UNESCO and the ITU. Dónal has been an evaluator of FP6, FP7 and more recently Horizon 2020 projects. Dónal holds an MSC in Computing Science and is currently undertaking an LLM in NUI Galway.

