
A lot can happen in 21 years, here are some of the highlights













2002 - Inaugural ceremony

Trinity College Dublin, the Ireland eGovernment Awards are launched to recognise leaders in transforming Ireland’s online digital services.

2007 - Over 300 attendees

The Awards popularity along with the growth in entry numbers and attendees saw the ceremony move to the Intercontinental, Ballsbridge, Dublin. The Overall Winner Award went to South Dublin County Council for Connect who received their award from Minister Tom Kitt TD

2009 - Accessibility takes centre stage

Dept of Social & Family Affairs win the Ireland eGovernment Accessibility Award, providing more information channels to the public and along with universal access to services

2010 - Move to Dublin Castle

Dublin Castle hosted the Ireland eGovernment Awards where Trinity College’s Disability Service won the Accessibility Award for its efforts to make its website accessible to disabled users.  Speaking about Trinity College’s award, Director of the College’s Disability Service, Declan Treanor, said: “Winning this award is an important step for College, as it shows we can make our primary information source, the web, accessible to all potential users”.

2011 - Open source shifts focus

The National Library of Ireland receives the Open Source eGovernment Award for its online catalogue.

2014 - Gov.ie wins two Awards

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform is the Overall Winner for”Gov.ie”

2015 - Taoiseach officiates

Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD presented the Digital Repository of Ireland with their trophy in Dublin Castle. The DRI swept the board winning three Awards including Overall Winner for ‘Inspiring Ireland’, the ambitious project it spearheaded in collaboration with eight of Ireland’s National Cultural Institutions, and the Department of Arts, Heritage, and the Gaeltacht. The Taoiseach was scheduled to present the Awards only. However, he was so impressed with what he saw he joined us for a further two hours of chat.

2016 - NTA win two awards for real-time app

NTA’s real-time Ireland App won the Overall Award, for its project enabling passengers to use public transport – bus, tram or rail – in an integrated fashion, across the country.  Presented by Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Alex White, T.D., in Dublin Castle.

2017 - Summit welcomes EU Commission

The Ireland eGovernment Summit is opened by Minister of Health, Simon Harris TD at the eir HQ. The keynote speaker Wendy Carrara, who managed the development of the European Data Portal and associated services, on behalf of the European Commission, delivered fabulous insight into Open Data and its future applications.

2019 - City Hall

The Awards ceremony moved to City Hall during Dublin Castle refurbishments. The Lifetime Individual Contribution Award was presented to Anne Graham CEO of the NTA.

2020 - COVID

The annual Ireland eGovernment Awards and Summit were postponed due to COVID restrictions

2024 - 21 years clelebrations

Celebrating 21 years of the Ireland eGovernment Awards we announced the largest range of awards since its inauguration

Who we are

The Ireland eGovernment Awards celebrate and honour excellence, innovation and creativity in the Irish Public Sector. The Awards are the recognised benchmark for excellence in Ireland’s Digital Government services and standards.

The Irish eGovernment Awards raise awareness and facilitate debate and exchange of ideas between experts pioneering changes in how Ireland’s government services are delivered to its citizens.

Our Team Members

Meet the team

Conall Ó Móráin

Founder, producer and host The Media Group podcasts, including That Great Business Show, The Fifth Court.

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Maeve Kneafsey

Highly experienced C-Suite executive in digital-led industries.  A very early adopter of the digital future.

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Grace Collins

Grace Collins, Founder and CEO at Ten Four has extensive experience and expertise in building and running successful events.

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Contact Us

Any questions? Please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you

41 Lower Leeson Street , Dublin 2