Dr Robert Ross – AI panel

Snr. Lecturer Computer Science TU | Investigator and industry academic lead within the SFI Adapt Centre

Dr. Robert Ross is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science in TU Dublin, an Investigator and industry academic lead within the SFI Adapt Centre, and work package leader in the SFI funded Precision-ALS project. Dr. Ross’s interests lie primarily in the application of machine learning and generative AI methods to Human Robot Interaction, with specific projects across natural language processing, dialogue management, behavioural analysis, and user state estimation. Robert also works extensively with industry and has led industry related projects across topics such as remote sensing, behaviour estimation, and predictive analytics. Dr. Ross holds a PhD in Situated Dialogue Systems for the University of Bremen in Germany, as well as an MSc and BSc in Computer Science & Experimental Physics from University College Dublin.